Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mobile Once Again!

Praise the Lord, for He is good!  Last Tuesday we finally got new plates for our van and once again are mobile!  It feels so good to be able to go to the store when I want/need to. We certainly are blessed with family who were willing and able to help us during this trial. I don’t know what we would have done without them!

When things happen I have a tendency to try and figure out what the Lord is trying to show/teach me-is this good or bad, I’m not sure!  So I’ve decided to make a list of what happened because of all this trouble.
  1. I am blessed by having family to help.  The time I spent in the car with my sister-in-law; niece and aunt was precious, quality time.  I’ve reconnected with each and that has been a true blessing.
  2. To complete tasks in a timely manner and keep record of those tasks.  This is something I have a problem with.  I tend to procrastinate – not a good quality.  As for keeping records, sometimes I do and other times I do not.  I need to be more consistent in this area.
  3. I reconnected with a friend from high school.  Emily and I “found” each other on face book this past year and have “talked” a little but when I mentioned our predicament, she came up with the idea of contacting our state representative for help.  We then had the opportunity to discuss God and prayer.  What a joy!  She now lives fairly close and since I’m mobile I plan to visit and nurture this renewed friendship!  I’ll be in touch Emily!
  4. God is in control and asks that we allow Him to be.  God promises to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19)– not our wants but our needs and he does, we just have to trust him to do so.  We had food to eat, water to drink, and hubby had a way to and from work!  God is good and does supply our needs.  Too many times we think our wants are needs and we must be reminded of the difference.
Those are four of the things I’ve learned during this time, I’m sure there are more, if I really think about it but I know God allows things to happen to us for a purpose.  Our response can bring us down or build us up.  Which are you going to allow to happen to you?

Til next time!
Linda <3

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