Sunday, September 19, 2010

A look back...

This week SITS is hosting a Back to Blogging campaign to get everyone back in a blogging and commenting routine. I've not really been in a routine so I'm going to use this as a starting point for a routine.  My first post was memories of my Dad and I'm going to share it again, even though it's only 6 months old.  Here is that post...

My Dad use to call me his l'il pea picker, hence the name of this blog.  He has been gone for 24 years but over the past several months I have been thinking about him and remembering the good times.  You know, the times when he hugged me or kissed me on the cheek when I was sleeping.  Those times.  You see, my dad was an alcoholic .  That was a difficult thing for me to admit.  I was at college and we were studying alcoholism when I had to face the fact - it was hard and for more years than I can remember, all I thought about were the bad times, so I'm grateful to be thinking of these good times because times were not always bad.
He use to hug and kiss us and would rub his new growth of stubble into our cheeks just to hear us squeal!  We would watch the Sunday afternoon movie together, there were only three channels back then.  He was proud to walk my sister and I down the aisle, even if it meant wearing a "monkey suit" - which he secretly loved.  He loved his grandsons, he had three within a seven month period.  The youngest of these was only 16 months old when Dad died.

When we were little, there were 4 of us, 2 girls and 2 boys, Dad worked away during the week and was home on the weekends.  Sunday evenings we would all get in the car and take a drive.  He would need to pickup his check, then we would drive and often end up spotting deer - I don't think it was illegal back then.
Dad was always very patriotic and served our country during the Korean war.  He belonged to the American Legion and the V.F.W. He was proud to be an American and instilled that patriotism in us.  I get tears in my eyes every time I hear the national anthem.  Memorial day he was generally involved in the arrangements for making sure the veteran's graves received new flags and for honoring those vets.

He remained active in the Army Reserves, serving one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer.  When he would come home from summer camp, he would bring us something special.   We have pictures where my brothers are wearing the gun holsters they got and my sister and I got Barbies!  Another time we each got fishing rods!

These are special memories because we did not get gifts except at birthdays, Christmas, and when Dad came home from summer camp!  My son received little gifts frequently, I think my Mom thought we were spoiling him - we probably were! The gifts from Dad were special!

I'm surprised at all the memories that are coming to mind - this has been a good thing or me to do!  Other memories include, fishing, Storybook Forest, and Sea World, but I've save those for another time.

Sometimes I wondered if he loved us but now I know he did and that I loved him.

Linda  <3

Thanks to the SITS girls for this challenge this week and thanks to the SITS Back to Blogging sponsors: Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances.

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